Cambridge: 01223 653210
Milton: 01223 928055
Haverhill: 01440 713223

Latest News

My neighbour has taken part of my garden. What can I do?

What might have started out looking like a small and innocuous plant to your neighbour can soon grow into a substantial hedge that extends well beyond their boundary, albeit innocently, reducing the amount of land which you can enjoy.  On the other hand, it is not unknown for neighbours to deliberately erect a fence or build a wall beyond what you believe to be the agreed boundary line.

‘If you think your neighbour has encroached onto land belonging to you, then there are a series of steps you can take to determine whether this is in fact the case,’ says Dawn Kiddy, dispute resolution lawyer with Petersfields LLP in Cambridge and Haverhill, who outlines the steps you can take to achieve a resolution by claiming the land back or securing appropriate compensation.

A neighbour has caused my property to flood. What can I do?

The risk of flooding in England and Wales is increasing year on year and exposing millions of homeowners to the possibility of property damage and the consequent misery that this causes.  In some cases, there is nothing you can do but try to claim on your insurance, assuming that you have managed to get cover in place.

Can I challenge a will that fails to make reasonable provision for me?

It tends to be only in Hollywood movies that a will is read aloud, usually for dramatic effect where the contents of the will are unexpected and lead to the sort of tensions which create a good plot. For example, in the 2019 film ‘Knives Out’ the patriarch cuts his entire family out of his will in favour of his caregiver.

“Gay cake” row reaches conclusion in Supreme Court

The bakery at the centre of the “gay cake” row in Northern Ireland has won its appeal in the Supreme Court.

Mother wins Supreme Court case over Widowed Parent’s Allowance

A mother in Northern Ireland has won her landmark Supreme Court case over access to Widowed Parent’s Allowance.

Should working on commute count towards your working hours?

Researchers suggest that the work employees do on their commute should be counted towards working hours.


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Cambridge office
Nine Hills Road
Milton office

Milton Hall
Ely Road
Milton, Cambridgeshire
CB24 6WZ

Haverhill office

The EpiCentre
Enterprise Way
Haverhill, Suffolk